Game Franchise: The Guild

The Guild Gold Edition
It’s the year 1400- the late Middle Ages. Europe sees the dawn of the golden age of the new departures and the free spirit. Under the rule of the bourgeoisie and businessmen, more and more towns are emerging from the clutches of the aristocracy and are achieving independence, power and wealth. New businesses are flourishing, bringing financial strength and political influence to a growing economy.
Steam Link:

The Guild II
The shining successor of the ultra successful medieval life sim, Europe 1400. A unique mixture of RPG and life simulation in an immersive middle ages scenario. The player and his party become part of history and can even change it in real-time.
Go back to the dark middle ages and found a new dynasty! Take care of yourself, because your opponents never sleep! Marry a beautiful wife and make new friends… control your life! Hand down your skills and your descendants will greatly appreciate it!
Steam Link:

The Guild II Renaissance
For centuries Europe has been dominated by the church and nobility. On the shoulders of ordinary people the servants of god and the noble families justified their power and wealth. This was the incontrovertible, divine world order.
In the 14th Century the world order is beginning to transform itself. Due to trade and commerce an increasing middle class obtains more and more power and wealth. Entire towns purchase their freedom and more privileges from the nobility. Reading and writing is no longer the domain of the nobility and the clergy and the invention of printing information may eventually be spread everywhere. This is the beginning of the renaissance
Steam Link:

The Guild III
We find ourselves in middle Europe of the year 1400. The dark middle ages, once dominated through nobles and clergy, ends and a new era begins: the age of the free cities of trading and of the free mind!
In The Guild 3 you create a family dynasty which can last for centuries. While the world around you and your dynasty rearrange itself again and again – all non-player figures make their own decisions – you have to prove your skills in handicrafts and trading, at social occasion and finally in politics and in malicious intrigues.
The Guild 3 is a unique mixture of economic simulation, strategy game, historical life simulation and role playing game in real time 3D, with atmospheric voice recording and medieval soundtrack.
Steam Link:
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