Holy Cross And Tank Paladin Build
Holy Cross and Tank Paladin Build for ragnarok origin. Palandin is the original tank for ragnarok origin because it has a lot of defensive skills but focusing on tanking is not a good idea. You may need Holy Cross, Shield Chain or Grand Cross for grinding. In this guide i will focus on Holy Cross and Tank Paladin Build.
1. Stats
You can add VIT and DEX when you think you have enough ASPD.

For the tank 99 VIT and the rest INT.
2. Skills

Protection can be level 4 only so you can max level 5 the tenacity on the paladin skill

3. Gears
Brionac is the best option on theearly game, at level 80 and 90 you can use Crescent Scythe but will depend on where you are grinding, since most of the monster in the higher level grinding monster will be more efficient to have a holy attribute for your weapon.
If you don’t want changing weapon or having two sets of weapon, you can go for Ru Blue Spear.

Racial cards for where you are grinding.


Holy Guard focus on maximum HP that you have. This is also good for Devotion build, since you really need a lot of HP. At level 80, you can change for Valkyrja’s Shield for 20% elemental def, this may help you survive for MAGE type class and MVP skill.

- Thara frog for pvp
- Argos, Megalodon, Munak and Ancient Mummy for cheaper card, but very useful.

Since you are using 2 hand spear for holy cross, i focus on defensive armor. It is not recommended to have 2 sets of armor since it will be so expensive. But if you want to go DPS, you can go for Tyr’s Blessing set at level 80.



Necklace for tank build, and Ring for DMG build.
no need to have both.

Golden Foor Ring for tanking benefits, and Nile Rose for more dmg.
No need to have both. just incase you don’t have much choice.

For DPS focus, this would be your best set option.
If you want a set for tank, change the DK emblem for DK belt.


Furious Poporing for the Charge, this is good in pvp if you want to close the gap with the enemy player. you can awakening this to level 15 to get the PDMG +2%

For the headwear, face, mouth, back and costume you can go for any with
- PDMG / MDMG Reduction
- HP
- Size / Racail Dmg
Since Paladin is skill dependent, being silence is your worst thing that can happen to you, Marduk card will help you with that. Cramp card if you don’t have marduk.





4. Verus Core
Momentum Management, Mana Length Reversal, Core Overload, Physique Boost and Holy Light Shield.
core level and stats effect may vary depending on your core level and rarety.
name can be also different depending on your region because of the translation.

5. Feather
Go for Raven’s Hour on both ATK and DEF Statue. The goal is to have the PVP stats.

ATK Statue

DEF Statue

ATK Statue

DEF Statue

For the Card Album Deposit Stat, you can check this list CARD COLLECTION LIST.