How To Get Zeny? Ragnarok Origin
How To Get Zeny? Zeny is one of the more currency of ragnarok origin. Commonly use to buy something on the trade store like Forge Equipment, Refine, Add Socket materials, Cards, Headgears blueprint and more. I list down some place or event where you can get?
1. MVP
You can get it in some as a reward, but maximum of 5 MVP only. Consider doing mvp everyday, since you will get a lot of thing in here.

2. Daily Commissions
Some activity give it as a rewards. Consider checking rewards to know what is worth-it.

3. Quest
Please be reminded than not all quest give zeny, this is very limited.

4. Guild Bonus
You will get a random zeny on this.
How to see all of this? Go the Guild -> Benefits (right menu) -> Guild Bonus

5. Guild Weekly Benefits
Something like weekly guild salary.

6. Selling In The Trade Store
Basically you can buy a lot of things in trade store, and you can also sell thing. Meaning you can also sell everything that you can buy, like equipment need, Cards, Headgears and more.
some items are not sellable, due on how you get them. (eg. reward items)

7. Nyan Berry
You can exchange nyan into zeny. This is not recommended to do, especially if you are not a whale. Even if you are a spender this feature is still not for you.
How to exchange? go to inventory – > click + sign beside the zeny.
1 nyan = 100 zeny

8. Mentor
When you do oracle teaching on your student, it give some zeny.

9. Adventure Diary
Everytime you complete a chapter, you can click the treasure box in the left side to collect.