How To Grind Efficiently, Ragnarok Origin
How to Grind efficiently? Grinding is one of the way to level up in ragnarok origin. However, this guide is focus on grinding efficiently so you can checkout HERE the other way to level up. The only reason you want to grind efficiently is because it is limited since you only have 150 mins of grinding time, and we want to make it worth it.
Grinding Guide
1. Do The Popular Grinding Skill
Depends on your class i list down the popular griding skills per class.
Popular Grinding Skills
Single Target
Knight : Agi-Bash or Pierce Combo
Assassin: Dual Dagger / Sonic Blow / Grimtooth
Hunter: Trapper
Wizard: Meteor Storm
Blacksmith: Cart Revolution
Priest: Magnus Exorcismus
2. 5-Man Party
you can get 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% more on EXP depending the size of your party

3. Use Candies
Please use candies to save your time in grinding. You can synthesis the candy to make it a lot faster.

4. Use Food And Elixir Buff
The faster you kill, the faster your exp will increase. As much as possible, try to increase your damage. No need to use the max food level specially in the early stage of the game.
You can craft your food, but limited depends on your stamina. I added a video on cooking tutorial HERE.

You can also buy it in the Market and some special food in the Kafra Shop.


5. Use Element
Understanding the weakness of the monster is better to be efficient in grinding.
Elemental Advantage

Special Element Advantage

You can confirm the monster Element in the Monster Glossary.

6. Upgrade Your Gears
The number 1 thing you should do to increase your damage is to always refine and enhance your gears.



7. Dmg Increase CARDs
Other than monster element, you can also counter monster by it’s race.
There are also cards that give additional physical damage and magic damage.
Lastly cards that give additional to size.
Race / Element / Size Dmg Cards

Popular Dmg Cards

8. Emperium Blessing
Another benefits of having a guild is the emperium blessing, a little bit of expensive but worth it and will last for 2 days.

9. Pet
Pets are important but you don’t need to invest much on this, since it is so expensive and only give 2% of the stats. But will surely help you alot in grinding.
The best pets for all around are the TANK and HEALER (support pet).
Landlord is consider the best pet due to the large AoE of it’s taunt skill.
Son of Earth for the devotion skill
Pure Ocean Current and Sedora for the Heal
10. Kill Monster Higher Level Than You
As much as you can, you may want to grind on the monster that has a higher level than you. But take note that the number 1 priority is monster that you can kill faster. Best practice after consuming your stamina, find your next grinding spot before reset so you are prepared.

Popular Grinding Spots
Level 35-42: Vitata / Andre / Thara Frog / Hydra
Level 42-52: Muka / Orc Lady
Level 52-62: Martin / Flora / Skel Worker (can stay until lvl 72 for the card)
Level 62-80: Orc Zombie/Skel Mantis/ Nightmare
Level 80-90: Glastheim Petites/ Squidgitte
Level 90+: Dark Frame