Soul Destroyer SinX, Ragnarok Origin
Soul Destroyer SinX build is of many build that an Assassin Cross can build. It is so strong when you have the right build, it can 1 hit most of the squishy class like sniper, high wizard and more. In this guide, it can give you some basic or common build upto level 89.
1. Stats
Soul Destroyer SinX rely on INT for the damage and it give bonus damage per 10 int so it is recommended that your int will be divisible by 10 including the bonus stats. Something like the image below, you don’t need to push your INT to 99.
For PVP purposes, you want to put a little bit of VIT and the rest will be STR.
2. Skills
Assassin Cross
This is not max 40 job, but it is recommended to prioritize Enchant Deadly Poison over Find Weakness. Once you max Soul Destroyer, EDP and Find Weakness. You can choice between Poison React or Meteor Assault, Meteor Assault is good in WOE.
3. Gears
Soul Destroyer Skill Damage +%
Size, Racial or Element depending on your enemy. Hydra and Skel worker for PVP.
For the modification, enchantment and cards for the armors, anything will do. You can prioritize anything related to damage increase and if nothing available on that armor you can go for PDEF, MDEF, CRIT RES and HP.
Since SinX is so squishy, Transitioning to Goibne’s Armor Set would be you best option at level 80. For more damage output you can go for Sprint Set
You can go all out for MATK related Acce, but PDMG or STR will be fine if you want to try other build like crit type sinX. So you can focus on 2 sets of weapon and leave the acce.
You can go for Legendary Bow or MATK
Mantis Card or Greatest General Card would be the best option.
for the headwear, face mouth, back and costume you can go for any with INT, PATK or MATK
4. Verus Core
The most important thing that you need is the Order of Mind. You cannot go for Soul Destroyer if you don’t have this.
Next will be the Corrosive Poison
For pvp purposes,