The New Frontiers: New Map

The Dota map has been massively expanded. The core objective of the game remains the same — your lanes aren’t further away from each other, and everything you need to win is still in the center of the map.
But with 40% more terrain, there’s plenty of room to reap new resources and discover new strategies. Both main jungles have also been fully reconfigured, shaking up vision placement, juke routes, farming and more.
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Roshan’s sold his old river pit and is taking advantage of all this new real estate. He’s now got
two fantastic new pits located in the northwest and southeast corners of the map. It’s a pit-lover’s paradise, boasting peekaboo views of the fountains and just minutes away from the Secret Shops.
These pits must also be close to a gym, because Roshan’s even tankier now. Roshan also no longer drops Aghanim’s Shards, and now drops Cheese on his second death instead of third. His third death drops a Refresher Shard or a Scepter, depending on whether he’s in North Pit or South Pit.

Two gates now connect the corners of the map near the safe lane towers, allowing players to teleport instantly from one edge of the map to the other.
This is a gameplay change, but it has obvious lore implications. You guessed it: Dota 2 now unofficially exists in the PMEU (Pac Man Expanded Universe).

Players can now find Lotus Pools on the left and right sides of the map (near where the creep waves first meet). They periodically spawn fruit that, when eaten, grants mana and HP.
Players can stockpile this fruit, and then combine it into even larger, higher-value fruit in the late game. This larger fruit can even be combined into incredibly large fruit. What happens if you combine the incredibly large fruit? Probably nothing. (Definitely something.)

These two powerful neutral creeps spawn near each base after 20 minutes, and both have a bellyful of Aghanim’s Shards. But there’s a catch, and the catch is that there’s two catches: 1) Tormentors are equipped with megashields, which reflect most of the damage you throw at them. 2) They grow stronger every time you kill them. So it’ll probably require your entire team to take one down.
The good news is, much like bears ignoring you to maul a hiker, if you leave them alone, they’ll leave you alone.

Watchers are like Terminators, but for watching. They are relentless; they don’t know pain; they don’t know fear; they are lazy, though. They won’t start watching until you click on them.
Watchers begin the game inactive and neutral, but once activated, grant vision over the Watcher’s area for seven minutes—or until your enemies sabotage it to temporarily disable it. When a team kills Roshan, all Watchers will turn to their side.

Defender’s Gate combines the sparkly high fantasy of Dota with the practicality of doors on your house that you can lock when you go to the grocery store to destroy its Ancient. It’s a back door to your base with a handy force field that lets your team through and keeps the enemy team out. While the enemy is assaulting the front, you can sneak in and out through the back.

Explore the edges of the map to unearth Wisdom Runes, which grant XP boosts to any hero wise enough to steal one. Wisdom Runes spawn near your base, offering an easy-to-defend way to keep a losing game from spinning out of control.

River Power Runes also get an addition with the beefy new Shield Rune, which gives 50% of your Max HP as a barrier. Dive a tower for a kill in the early game or walk up a blind hill to surprise both yourself and the enemy team.

Some of the creeps got tired of getting butchered all the time in the jungle, and have established 12 new camps scattered throughout the expanded map. So now you can butcher them there too.

The new expanded map features two new Outposts. The original outposts have been moved to new locations, which raises the obvious question of whether they’re truly the original outposts. Nice try, Socrates: They are.
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