Best In Slot Artifacts And Lightstones
Best in Slot Artifacts and Lightstones. This guide doesn’t always to be right. if you think some of this is wrong please inform us. Check out all the Artifacts and Lightstones HERE.
Total Combo Effects
All of the “Total Combo Effects” listed in this guide are calculated by adding together the Set effect and the individual effects on each of the lightstones. This allows you to see what the actual total effects are and makes it easier to compare the total stats.
- For example: in the [Dedication] combat EXP combo listed below, the set effect of wearing Wind: Alert (Combat) x4 is 300% Combat EXP, however, each of the lightstones themselves give +25% EXP each, bringing the total to 400%.
Combat/Skill EXP Lightstones
The combat EXP combo is particularly useful for powerleveling alt characters.
Combat EXP Combo | |
[Dedication] | Total Combo Effects: Combat EXP +400% |
Skill EXP Combo | |
[Way of the Fighter] | Total Combo Effects: Skill EXP +75% |
PVE Artifacts
Lesha’s Relic – Monster Damage Reduction +9
Marsh’s Artifact – Monster Damage +6
Artifact Name | How to obtain | |
| Ancient Kutum / Thundercloud Kutum Dark Rift Guild Raid (All) Normal, Awakened, Darkened Boss Summon Scroll Offin Muraka | Giant Mudster Katzvariak Murrowak’s Labyrinth Jade Starlight Forest Erebjork Erethea’s Limbo |
PVE Lightstone Combos
Defensive Options
All three of these Lightstone combos are great for both newer players who are lacking the DP to grind Elvia spots and veteran players who would like more survivability for end-game spots.
Lightstone combos | Effects | |
Defensive Combo 1 | [Boulder] | Total Combo Effects: Monster DR +20 All Resistance Against Monsters +50% All Resist +1% |
Defensive Combo 2 | [Reinforcing the Vangaurd] | Total Combo Effects: Max HP+200 Monster DR +15 Damage Taken from Monsters -4% |
Defensive Combo 3 | [Impregnable Fortress] | Total Combo Effects: Monster DR +20 Damage Taken From Monsters -6% |
Offensive Options
Both of the top 2 lightstone combos are offensive lightstone combos that are effective at any grind spot and are a more general PVE combo.
Vicious Shadow is a very good starter set for mid-tier grind spots such as Centaurs, all the way up to Elvia Orcs and Sycraia.
For the endgame spots such as Hexe, Oluns, Quint Hill, etc. The Deathblow combo is usually considered best in slot. However, for certain classes, you can reach 100% Critical Hit Rate more easily and don’t need the Critical Hit Rate from Deathblow. For these classes, you are better off sticking with Vicious Shadow. If you are unsure which to pick, check our class guides for the recommended combo for your class
In addition to these combos, you may also want to invest in the Species damage lightstone combos for certain spots. (Eg. [The Wild: Demihuman] combo is great at Elvia Orc Camp!)
Species damage is good to use if you are over the Monster AP Cap at a certain grind spot.
Lightstone Combos | Effects | |
Offensive Combo 1 | [Deathblow] | Total Combo Effects: Monster AP +16 Critical Hit Chance +14% |
Offensive Combo 2 | [Vicious Shadows] | Total Combo Effects: Monster AP +13 Back Attack Damage +6% Critical Damage +3% |
Species Damage (Demihuman) | [The Wild: Demihumans] | Total Combo Effects: Additional Demihuman Damage +30 |
Species Damage (Human) | [The Wild: Humans] | Total Combo Effects: Additional Human Damage +24 |
Species Damage (Kamasylvian) | [The Wild: Kamaslyvia] | Total Combo Effects: Additional Kamasylvian Damage +30 |
PVP Artifacts
Defensive Options
Artifact Name | How to obtain | |
| Griffon (Boss Summon Scroll) Urugon (Boss Summon Scroll) Muskan (Boss Summon Scroll) Leebur (Boss Summon Scroll) | Cadry Ruins Centaurus Herd Padix Island |
| Quint Black Shadow Garmoth Red Nose (Field Boss / Boss Summon Scroll) | Dim Tree Spirit (Field Boss / Boss Summon Scroll) Giath (Boss Summon Scroll) Olun’s Valley Crypt of Resting Thoughts |
Offensive Options
For offensive combos, you need to check your class damage type. Damage type is always the same whether you are succession or awakening.
Melee Damage Classes:
Warrior, Guardian, Lahn, Berserker, Shai, Striker, Musa, Maehewa, Mystic, Valkyrie, Kunoichi, Ninja, Nova, Corsair, Drakania
Ranged Damage Classes:
Ranger, Archer
Magic Damage Classes:
Hashashin, Sorceress, Tamer, Dark Knight, Wizard, Witch, Sage, Woosa, Maegu
Artifact Name | How to obtain | |
| Kzarka / Nightmare Kzarka Bashim Base Gahaz Bandit’s Lair Polly’s Forest Blood Wolf Settlement | Basilisk Den Gorgo’s Nightmare Roud Sulfur Mine Shultz Guard |
| Karanda / Stormbringer Karanda Desert Naga Temple Crescent Shrine Kuit Islands (Pirate Island) | Protty Cave Pila Ku Jail Sycraia Underwater Ruins (Upper) |
| Nouver / Bloodstorm Nouver Titium Valley Tshira Ruins Fadus Habitat | Waragon Nest Navarn Steppe Sherekhan Necropolis Manshaum Forest |
| Dastard Bheg (Field Boss / Boss Summon Scroll) Mirumok Ruins Forest Ronaros Area Thornwood Forest | Star’s End Tunkuta Abandoned Monastery |
PVP Lightstone Combos
Defensive Options
Lightstone Combos | Effects | |
Defensive Combo 1 | [Untouchable] | Total Combo Effects: All DP +18 All Evasion +33 Max HP +200 Special Attack Evasion +3% |
Defensive Combo 2 | [Olun’s Descendant] | Total Combo Effects: All DP +18 All Evasion +33 Max HP +200 All Resistances +4% |
Defensive Combo 3 | [Steel Heart] | Total Combo Effects: Max HP +450 |
Offensive Options
Lightstone Combos | Effects | |
Offensive Combo 1 | [Target Openings] | Total Combo Effects: All AP +10 All Accuracy +16 Maximum Stamina +100 Critical Damage +6% |
Offensive Combo 2 | [Dominate] | Total Combo Effects: All AP +10 All Accuracy +16 Maximum Stamina +100 Ignore All Resistances +4% |
Beginner To BiS Setup
- With this setup, you will use any 3 artifacts to start with and swap between 2 of them for different combo effects depending on what you need
- Always keep Artifact #1 equipped, then swap between Artifact #2 or Artifact #3
- The 6 lightstones for the beginner setup are pretty easy and cheap to get, just preorder them on the central market and wait!
- There are two expensive/rare lightstones = Earth: Disrupt and Fire: Strike, these will take a while to preorder or grind for.
- When you get these 2 extra lightstones, redo your setup. You can extract the lightstones for 10 million silver each.
- Now you will have 4 artifacts total and can swap between the 2 sets.
- The bottom setups are considered the BEST IN SLOT! Everyone should have them to start with, and afterward, you can collect others for specific scenarios.
Lightstone | effects | |
Artifact #1 |
| This artifact is ALWAYS equipped. Swap between Artifact #2 and Artifact #3 for the different set effects you need |
Artifact #2 (Offensive) Eg. Monster AP |
| Total effects when you equip this artifact with #1: Hidden AP +5 All Accuracy +9 Max Stamina +55 All Damage Reduction +3 |
Artifact #3 (Defensive) Eg. Monster DP |
| Total effects when you equip this artifact with #1: All Damage Reduction +9 All Evasion +15 Max HP +100 Max Stamina +25 |
Best in Slot Setup #1 (Offensive) |
| Total Combo Effects: Hidden AP +10 All Accuracy +16 Maximum Stamina +100 Critical Damage +6% |
Best in Slot Setup #2 (Defensive) |
| Total Combo Effects: All Damage Reduction +18 All Evasion +33 Max HP +200 Special Attack Evasion +3% |
Full Artifacts And Lightstones List HERE